Deeply Rooted 
Equine Services


About Ashley

Certified Equine Bodyworker

As a horse competitor I quickly realized that our horses need maintenance in order to stay on top of their game, and I set out to educate myself how best to provide support for my horses’s performance and over all well-being.

After researching many different equine massage schools, I decided to attend the very intensive bodywork course offered by Equinology. In order to become an Equinology Equine Body Worker (EEBW) I completed the 9 day in-person course as well as passing the intense externship requirements that totaled 320+ hours. From an industry standpoint, it was one of, if not the most rigorous courses in equine massage/bodywork. Equinology's courses are approved and recognized by the International Equine Body Worker Association (IEBWA), the UK McTimoney Chiropractic Association, and the Society of Osteopaths in Animal Practice. It was a great experience gaining such a wealth of knowledge on different bodywork techniques (massage, range of motion exercises, stretching), saddle fit, gait analysis, and conformation. I have seen great value in keeping my horse’s muscles loose and limber allowing them to perform to the best of their ability. I want to help others achieve that same kind of excellence through bodywork.

Herb Supplements

Looking at the horse as a whole, I knew that the body didn't only need just external support, but internal as well. After using the Equine Natural Care supplements on my horses, I became a believer in their effectiveness. Using the hair evaluation method, the body would illuminate what it was lacking and address it by supporting that particular area in the body through herb supplements. It's absolutely incredible how the body can heal itself using what nature already provides. That's when I knew that these herbs needed to be apart of the total package of my business.